Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hubby Tag

My sister Emily tagged me to do this post about Larry, so here it is...

1. What is his name? Larry

2. Who eats more? That would be me, hands down. When we went to IHOP a few weeks back, we had ordered the same thing, and when the waitress came around she said "she's beating you." (meaning I'd eaten a lot more than he had, not that I'm abusive :D)

3. Who said "I love you" first? Hmm, I'd have to check my journal for that one, but it must have been him. Somehow I can't remember when I first said I love you.

4. Who is taller? Larry

5. Who is smarter? Larry. I'm a nerd in school but Larry just seems to know a lot about stuff. But not everything, I don't want it to go to his head.

6. Who is more sensitive? Larry's definately sensitive, it's one of the things I really liked about him early on. I think I'm sensitive too but Larry says I'm dead inside because I don't cry at sad movies. (I only cry if I'm alone during movies, not sure why)

7. Who does the laundry? Me. Larry would do it if I asked or if it needed to be done; it's one of those things I like to do because I have a "system." I'm especially particular about folding.

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Larry

9. Who pays the bills? That's Larry for sure. I always here this crazy cash register noise and that's when I know he's paying bills and updating his quickbooks (his pride & joy)

10. Who cooks more? I'm afraid it's definately Larry. He's a great cook and always has some new recipe to try out. He treasures our cookbooks and I've even seen him hug our kitchen aid mixer. I cook too, but it seems Larry always ends up teaching me "proper cooking methods" Like how to properly cut vegetables with out becoming an amputee. He even printed a calender of our meal plans for the whole month. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that...

11. What meals do you cook together? Anything really. We each have our specialities, like my carrots (covered in butter, that's how I grew up) and his mashed potatoes. We like doing our chicken cordon bleu together.

12. Who is more stubborn? If you look up stubborn in the dictionary there's a picture of Larry. See..

13. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Oh no, you don't understand, Larry is never wrong. (so the answer is me)

14. Who has more siblings? It's a tie. 7 kids in both families. I have 5 sisters and 1 brother and Larry has 4 brothers and 2 sisters.

15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both wear pants!

16. What do you like to do together? Watch G and PG movies, sing (something he's good at and I'm not-though he tells me I am...I think he doesn't want to hurt my feelers) Yard work, snowboarding.

17. Who eats more sweets? Probably Larry, I haven't really noticed.

18. Guilty pleasures? Hitting the snooze button every 5 minutes for 2 hours before I actually get up. Larry loves me for this.

19. How did you meet? We were in a class of four people in Brother Barrus' Doctrines of the Gospel class at the Sandy Institute. And every week he would say "it's Megan right?" But he never remembered any one else's names. Remember there were only like 2 other people in the class.

20. Who asked out who first? Larry asked me out. I remember as I stood up to walk out of the class room I felt like I should hold back for a minute. I did and then Larry walked with me down the hall and said "so what's there to do in Utah" and I thought for a long time and said "pretty much nothing, but I like it" And then we got outside and I figured out what he was up to. I remember how he said it "maybe we could go out some time, like Saturday?" Our first date was at Boondocks.

21. Who kissed who first? We just kissed each other, I don't know. But I can tell you it was a couple months after we started dating...righteous :D

22. Who proposed? Larry. We were all alone at Temple Square and he was saying cute nice things to me like he always does there. He had me look at the temple and said "it's forever right?" and I said "yeah" and when I looked back at him he was on his knee and said "will you marry me?" It sounds so cheezy, but I liked it.

23. His best features? I love his smile and his hair when it's all messed up in the morning. Oh and his Balsmeier trademark blue eyes.

24. What is his greatest quality? He has such a good Spirit and he's so giving and caring. He always wants to help people.

Now I tag my sisters in law JJ & Clara and my other sisters who haven't done their tag thing yet.


Emily said...

Oooh-ooh, I have a lot to say...#2 is funny, #6 I'm like that too--Brett definitely cries at sad movies more than I do, #10 Larry is smart! I try to schedule out our meals too (okay, so maybe I THINK about trying but it's a start), and last but not least, Miss-Always-Correcting-People, it's DEFINITELY not definately! :D

JJ said...

It's great to hear about Larry from your perspective! You guys just crack me up!