Saturday, September 13, 2008

Red means stop...unless you're driving my car

In addition to the stresses of school I had to deal with car problems. Ok, there wasn't much stress involved with that, just a few moments of panic. I noticed my breaks were barely working, but I failed to mention this to Larry apparently. Then yesterday I was driving home and my breaks failed completely; I swerved out of the lane to avoid rear ending someone and coasted down the middle yellow lane-luckily it was there. As I drove down the lane, unable to stop, I passed a police man and smiled as I nonchalantly yanked on my emergency break, which also failed...He didn't seem to care and he and others appeared to question my driving abilities. I signaled to get back in the lane and made it home safely-somehow. We took my car in today and paid a nice chunk of money to have the car fixed. The report was funny: "pedal goes to the doesn't stop..tried the E-brake, doesn't work either...advise full replacement..." Now we're in tip top shape and my car actually stops on command!


Emily said...

Glad you lived. I hope Larry's health improves too. Maybe you should make it easier and stop whining ;) Maybe I should too, but we'll work on you first.

JJ said...

Glad you're OK! I wonder how much your mechanic got paid for that diagnosis?! Also glad you avoided a ticket! Those are really expensive!