Thursday, November 6, 2008

dark, snowy, and cold...

I'm not sure where Fall went. Apparently it's completely over. I guess that always happens in November (weather wise in Utah) but it came so quick. It snowed all day yesterday. Most of it melted and mixed with the leaves on the floor so it's all mushy and weird outside. (We have huge trees outside that make a big 'ol mess of leaves.) So anyway, it's cold outside and that makes me sad. It doesn't help that Larry turns the air conditioner and fan on instead of the heat. I'm freezing at night! And Larry won't let me get near him for warmth because apparently he needs his space and isn't the cuddling type. Of course I take this personally. Then I go to sleep cold and mad and have bad dreams about Larry being mean to me. It couldn't be good for our relationship! Because of day light savings and the season it gets dark really early, which makes me all depressed. It's a good thing I have Kodi and now Kassidy to distract me from being all mopey. Larry should distract me from being mopey but my mind is still frustrated from being cold and mad while I sleep. Note: I still love you Larry! But turn the heat up will ya...and get used to sharing!! This post sounds so negative! You see what snow, cold, and darkness do to me?? In case any of you are also moping around because it's cold and dark outside, here are some more pics of our puppy...maybe that'll cheer you up.


JJ said...

Ahhh..the puppy is so cute. Sorry Larry is so mean to you. Poor Rob has to put up with me and my AC too. I'm always hot. Maybe you two can commiserate together.

Emily said...

Makai has been turning the AC on lately, but he is two. C'mon Larry! :) I get the seasonal affective thing too--you can get some sort of light therapy, I should look into it.

Megs, let me know when I can take pictures of the pup!

Jordan Arnold said...

What a Cute puppy. Are you and Larry going to Colorado for Christmas, I know Blake and I are

Amy Jaten said...

ohh my doodness... who is the cutest ever red-headed-step childdog?? She is sOOO cute. I could just eat her up. CUddle with her meg, i don;t know why your even wasten your cuddle time with Larry when you have this fluff ball. HAA HAA- J/K Lar-dog