Saturday, May 16, 2009

Catching Up

Okay, so I haven't blogged about anything we've been up to in a long time. So first off, our first wedding anniversary was April 22nd. We busted out the top teir of our wedding cake. It was so good, it was crazy!

To celebrate, we thought we'd go to the place we were married. So we went to the Salt Lake Temple where we went through a live endowment session. I went in behalf of my great grandma, Marie Louise Carlier. She's my mom's grandma that raised her in France. Anyway, it was special to be there together one year later.

As my gift to Larry we headed to the guitar store...I just think it's cute when he plays and sings to me.

Here's some random pictures of us lately...
He's a firefighter. Can someone explain to me why the Balsmeiers say that the way they do?

That's just me.

Kassi's new do. Okay, I just put a clip in her hair. She still needs her first hair cut...and she's eight months old. I think she's taking on a chewbaca type look. (like I know how to spell that)

Kodi got a new do too. I did it myself...I'm real big on saving money like that:) Before and after.

On our way to my mom's one day, we came across some people that nearly rolled their car down a hill. Larry went to help out. What a nice guy :)

That's just a bit that we've been up to. I'm going to post the rest of the random stuff separately...this is getting quite lengthy.

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