Saturday, September 13, 2008

Back to School

It's been a while since we've posted because we haven't had our computer. But now we're back in business! Life has been very busy (and stressful) this past week. I went back to school at LDS Business College for Fall semester. (LDSBC-what we call 'the biscuit.') I'm taking five classes on top of working and I'm overwhelmed with having a ton of homework. But hey, that's life! I love that school and I'm so grateful to go there. However that doesn't mean every class is my favorite. I keep whining about my history class because I don't like the format. But Larry doesn't let me whine and tells me that I'm lucky I get to go to school. Actually he tells me to quit whining or quit school. My response is that I won't quit school or whining because I'm not a quitter. Meanwhile I find myself spending hours on homework while I jealously watch Larry relax. Luckily Larry has been helping out a lot lately so I'm not as stressed out about things like keeping the house clean. So that's the latest with me. Larry and I don't really have any thing exciting going on except for enduring to the end. Yay! Ok, I'll be more positive...we're happy that we have each other and keep each other entertained with an assortment of quirks. Hopefully we'll be able to go do stuff like drives in the canyon. I love fall, it's so pretty! Since Larry was pretty sick over the summer we didn't get to do much. He's been feeling better lately but it would be great if you could keep in your prayers. :) He's been getting remicade treatments at the hospital. Can we say "good thing we have insurance?" Without it the treatments would cost $10,000 each! Alrighty, well I'm done jumping around talking about random things...

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