Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My 21st Birthday

So I hit the big milestone...I turned 21 on June 11th :)(Meaning I now have a horizontal drivers license, yay me!) Of course I'll still be megan mormon, don't worry. I had a good birthday, thanks to Larry. He took me to the Roof for dinner. I love that place. And we got the best table too; right there closest to the towering Salt Lake Temple. We both stuffed ourselves with our money's worth...I didn't feel too well after that.

Here's me not acting my age...imagine that (yes I even got the "Megan just eat" line from Larry. My family was all too familiar with that phrase.)

Later, Larry gave me a cake and sang happy birthday to me. It was a beautiful rendition of course.
It was all stormy as it has been all June. I think God is still upset about the gay pride parade they had here in Salt Lake (that's when it started and it hasn't stopped since.) Something tells me some people won't like me for that comment..but hey. I even got a rainbow on my birthday. I just realized that's a funny thing to mention after my previous comment.


JJ said...

LOL! You crack me up Megan!! Rainbows and gay pride.......Still laughing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Love you!

Hugie said...

Looks like you had a fun Birthday, Megan... Larry is so good to you!!
The food looked yummy!