Larry and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary on April 22nd. We've been through a lot together and I'm grateful for all the support we've had from friends, family, and above all, our Heavenly Father. We decided to take some much needed time off to relax together.
First we had a short trip to Park City. We stayed at the Marriott where we went for our one day honeymoon. It brought back memories of our wedding time because the room looked the same. When I say "room" I should say "house." It was bigger than our condo! Anyway, it was nice to stay there but I think we regretted spending lots of $$$ on dinner. Oh and the hotel. But I like it there so I was fine with that :D I just like spending time with Larry so I was happy. We don't have cable at home so we got a bit caught up watching TV. We watched like three hours of animal planet. Some show called "fatal attractions" about people who keep wild animals as pets...and then their "pets" attack them. It made me sad to see animals kept in those circumstances. They're wild animals! Anyway, enough of my rant on that. Oh and I know, very romantic ;)
This is a cupcake :)
Me and Larry enjoying our stay in Park City
We came home for a day and prepared for our camping trip. Then on our anniversary day we headed to Southern Utah. We pitched our tent at the Snow Canyon campgrounds. It was really pretty and the weather was nice after the first day. We enjoyed cooking meals on the fire and sleeping in our cocoon sleeping bags. Those things are pretty comfy. We played a monopoly card game and other games; that was fun. It reminded me of the days when we were dating. We went bike riding and hiked a lot (which helped me realize I'm not in very good shape anymore). It was fun and we really enjoyed being together with all of life's stresses and worries put behind us.
Yes...that is a marshmallow fork stuck to me.
Out final day we made a little visit to my sister Emily and her family for a few minutes. Then it was off to Zion National Park. We were lucky because it was the "national parks are free week." We drove around and enjoyed the tunnels the most. Ha. I'm scared of heights so I was ever so slightly nervous while driving up the canyons. Larry had fun teasing me by trying to scare me here an there. Fortunately he is safe driver so I was fine. Before we left Zion, we took a short hike to see the weeping wall or something. It was all very pretty. Then, Saturday night, we headed home. Sunday my sister Heidi gave her homecoming talk...she's been home for two months so I'm sure she's glad they finally had her do it! K, there is our little update :)
Our camera died so I didn't take pictures of Zion. But here are some more pictures from the rest of our trip.(there are a couple more on facebook too) Larry looks ever so handsome, but me...well, I was camping without my blow dryer and you know :( Anyway, we really enjoyed our trip. I feel so much love for Larry and I couldn't be more grateful to have him as my eternal companion. Here's to hoping for an especially great year together and many more to come!
This is the rock wall where pioneers wrote their names with grease in the 1800s. I seriously started climbing up there but Larry informed me that I would probably die so I took his advice and well, didn't climb it ;)
Larry (being inspired by the Pioneers) proceeded to deface his very own rock wall (other people had done it too...which doesn't make it right, but just sayin!)
He was very proud of himself...
We are now the "Bal5meier" family.
I just think Larry is the most handsome guy I ever did see...I love that hubs of mine.
My diamond in the rough...I had Aladdin songs stuck in my head after doing that.
Yay for sand dunes! I know the pic is blurry...
Larry really liked the old volcanos and lava rocks. Crazy stuff.
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