Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Not being able to communicate well can be funny

It seems that Larry and I, like many couples, have trouble communicating. This phone conversation was a good example…
Larry: Hey, did you look at Sams?
Megan: Club. No, you said to look at Home Depot.
Larry: I know, did you look at Sams?
Megan: Club.* No, but I can. I didn’t know I was supposed to. I just looked at Home Depot.
*(anyone who knows me really well knows I have a pet peeve of shortening names of things. Hence, if you ever say Sams, I will complete it by saying Club.)
Larry: What are you talking about? Did you look at Sams or not?!
Megan: K I’m getting confused now.
Larry: S-A-N-S….Sans!
Megan: What the heck are Sans?
Megan: Oh, FANS!
Needless to say, Larry is now deeply questioning my intelligence. The funny part is how I was talking about fans, but couldn’t comprehend that “Sams” was “fans.” I seriously blame pregnancy for my recent lack of comprehension.


Heidi said...

Haha, thanks for sharing that lovely conversation. I still have no idea what Larry was talking about. What the heck are Whirleybirds? Can you find them at Sams?

Megan said...

He calls fans, "whirley birds" He asked me to look at Home Depot for fans. Hopefully that story isn't too confusing.