We had a great trip in San Diego California. I'd love to write all about it but I'm hitting the delirious stage of the flu...what a crappy souvenir. Anyway, it was so nice to have a week off together, just relaxing for a real vacation. First off, I just want to thank Jordan & Blake for letting us use their flyer reward thing so we could fly for free! We stayed at the Hampton Inn, which was nice. And we had a rental car, which made our lives much easier. Driving in CA wasn’t even bad…I guess cuz it was San Diego. It’s worse in Salt Lake in our opinions.
We got there on Thursday August 20th...after settling into the hotel we headed for the San Diego Zoo. It was nice and all, but it wasn't as great as I thought it'd be. We saw a whole lot more plants than we did animals. I actually thought the Hogle Zoo was better when it comes to seeing animals up close.
On Friday we went to Sea World. Larry had gotten passes for free at work. At least his work has its perks! We loved Sea World. In fact, it was our favorite part of the trip...for me at least, and probably Larry too. We especially loved the shows. We saw all of them while we were there. The Shamu Show was fun, but kind of cheesy..they even do a Shamu Chant to worship the great killer whale...the dolphin show was fun, those dolphins are so cute.
We saw Sea Lions Live which was really funny. Later that day we saw Sea Lions Tonight which was even funnier. I laughed so hard it hurt. They made fun of their other shows that we had seen that day and it was just hilarious. We also saw the Pets Rule Show which was really cute and funny. It was just tons of fun and totally worth it...wait, it was free, but still. We wrote their Journey to Atlantis ride which is like a mix of the log flume and a roller coaster. Larry loved it...I did too. So we spent a bit of the day wet but it was fine. To end our day there we went to the Shamu rocks show...I loved these cute whales that totally smiled...after the show there were fireworks to top it off.
On Saturday we went to the San Diego Temple which was beautiful. Later that night we went to Coronado Island. The beach was stormy looking and overcast but it was still fun...just cold. Sunday we went to Church...then we went for a walk at the Mission Bay Beach. Of course, in our attempt to keep the Sabbath Day holy, the weather was beautiful and it was so tempting to go swimming. But we didn't. We just walked along the shore together until we got to a nice spot to sit.
Monday we went to the Wild Animal Park. We weren’t all that impressed with it. It was just a lot of walking...and I saw more animatronic dinosaurs than real animals. There were cute baby cheetahs though. As we were walking my knee slipped and semi dislocated yet again. Then it was sore and I couldn't walk anymore. So we rode the Carousel. Larry rode a fierce Panda and I read a majestic leopard. Afterwards we headed back to Mission Bay. We had tons of fun playing in the waves.
Then Tuesday we went to this Science Center called RH Fleet. It was alright but we really weren't impressed. It was a lot like the Clark Planetarium. We saw a free IMAX under the sea movie...something like that. And we wasted our money on this virtual dinosaur thing; forget what they're called but it was really lame. We did this thing where you sit down and a machine takes your picture and then shows your age progression up to the age of 75.
Needless to say, Larry is now contemplating suicide and divorce. I don't trust the dang thing. We Campbell's age young and nicely...and I think Larry will too. Of course he claims he won't live long. I hate when he says that. Way to crush your wife's heart hun. Larry spent most of his time there being upset at greedy little children. We were playing with the exhibits and kids kept running up to them and stealing them right out of our hands. Anyway, enough about that. We headed to Mission Bay again and went Boogie Boarding. Tons of fun but kinda scary to get thrown off in those serious waves.
I don’t quite remember if it was Monday or Tuesday, but one of those days we went to Old Town San Diego and looked at the cute little road side shops. We just got bracelets for me…Larry said he didn’t want anything but later gave me a hard time that he didn’t get anything. Sheesh. Then Wednesday the 26th, we flew home..back to life…back to reality.
All in all we had a blast. It was an event filled trip and we came back with tans. Yay!
We really didn't take a lot of pictures on our trip for the following reasons: 1-we didn't want to get our cameras wet so we didn't always bring them, 2-we didn't want them to get stolen while we were playing at the beach, 3-I forgot to change the stupid batteries, and yes I brought plenty, just left them in the hotel room, and 4-one of the cameras didn't work & only took blurry photos..until we got home of course. If you want to see more photos go to Facebook. I'm getting kicked off the computer so I'll add pics later :D