Saturday, May 24, 2008

kitten with a pacifier

I highly doubt you've seen something like this before....Let's just say that there is legitimate proof that I'm nuts. This is Milo, one of our little foster kittens. The thing cries all the time and I finally found something to make him happy. That's right, he has a pacifier, a kitty binky. He's making some interesting noises, I don't know what that's about. Usually he just purrs. But it's pretty funny!


Anonymous said...

Awwwww, it has a binkie. How redonkulous. <-cute overload term.

I need to see these baby kittens!


Amy Jaten said...

How cute. Did you adopt out Winston? Also, post pics of your new house!

Emily said...

Kittens shmittens. I want to see pictures of your new house too!