Thursday, June 5, 2008

The rest of the story...

I'm not too sure why I am even taking the time to put anything up here, but after a few weeks of having a blog I finally caved. I avoided it, mainly because I think they are a little silly, another reason is since I have a blog I now have to notify my employer since I am licensed to sell securities I am required to tell them about it. Anyway, I decided that the truth about some of Megan's previous posts must come forward. Everyone must know the truth, I cannot be silenced any longer. So here is the real story about Megan's kittens and how they came to our home...
I was at work one day and received a call from my lovely wife. It went something like, " Hi hun. What would you think about getting a cat to foster?" I wondered about this question for a little bit. I asked if she was asking because she wanted to get one or if she had already made that decision and done so. She then proceeded to tell me about this cat that had come to the shelter and she wanted to foster it and had volunteered to take it. I reluctantly told her she could do it since she had already volunteered. I didn't want to make her a liar to the people she works with. Well, the kitten she was going to take was placed with a mother cat and Megan didn't get to take it home. She was pretty sad the next day when she found out that the kitten had died. So, the next day while at work I receive another call from her sayiong that they had another kitten that needed a foster or it would be put down. Well, we ended upm with little Winston. He has since been adopted and is gone from our house!!! Ok, so he was kinda cute. He was by far my favorite of the three we've had. So just a little bit later I receive another call at work from Megan. It started out, "It was an accident I didn't mean to get another kitten." I was like are you kidding me. We already have 2 bunnies, 1 dog and now 3 cats in our home. I live in a zoo! So after some begging I gave in yet again to another kitten, Sadie. We talked that night about our little zoo that we had going on and we agreed no more foster cats. Well, some how this apparently didn't apply to our third foster Milo. Same thing happened. She gave me some sob story about how she was innocently sitting at work and had to, for some reason, go to the back where they keep the animals. Well, there was a little pitiful looking cat that Megan swears, she was prompted by the spirit to take home. I think she likes to use that excuse to get whatever she wants. Who am I to argue, she is more spiritual than I am. Well, we ended up with this little kitten, who I think resembles those rat things in the princess bride. If you don't believe me just listen to that video Megan posted and then watch the movie. You will be haunted by it for weeks. Anyway, to wrap it up. Apparantly, Megan thinks that 1 foster cat means 3 and that it is ok to go against what we discuss. Oh, well. I suppose it's ok. She doesn't make me take care of them. So, if nothing else it allows me to have something to bargain with. Maybe a motorcycle? Who knows. One other thing... Never post a blog with Megan sitting here reading as you go. She criticizes it, especially the english. So if there are any errors...It's her fault!


Megan said...
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Megan said...

Larry's really good at embellishing stories. Okay, so it's kinda true, but only some of it. He claims that the "majority of it's true." Oh well. I'm just happy he's so sweet he let me save kitties! Oh and you have some errors that you didn't change.

JJ said...

Megan, Thanks for putting up with Larry, apparently he doesn't understand that when he agreed to one kitten it meant you would only consider taking them in one at a time, not that the total number would not exceed one. He still has needs some training, but keep up the good job!

Emily said...

I'm laughing out loud...all of that sounds just like Megan. When it comes to Megan and kitties, JUST SAY NO! Sorry Megs.

Heidi said...

Yup, sounds like Megan. Have fun Larry! At least she doesn't have 9 kittens and a mom cat like she did when she lived at home . It seemed like we had them forever too. We had many fosters throughout her volunteering days with the Humane Society. Good times...